tv whore, movies, tv: fringe, tv: ai, tv: spn, tv: lost, the suck: work

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  • stab

    heather13 Oct 22, 2008 09:36

    Sometimes I HATE my job. So much that I think my head might explode from the pressure of my brain boiling (hi, Fringe!). There's just all this bullshit that I do not want to deal with and people I do not want to deal with. I know I'm never going to leave here but it's a nice idea some days when the hate is too much to take.

    TV! )

    tv: heroes, tv whore, tv: fringe, tv: the office, tv: spn, tmi: wedding

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  • too much stuff...brain exploding

    heather13 Sep 29, 2008 09:10

    Okay! I have NKOTB concert reportage but I want to do it with pictures and I pretty much killed my battery about 1/2 way through so that won't be until I get home and can buy more. In a word: Awesome. In a couple: My ears will never be the same.
    The Office )

    otp: jim/pam, tv whore, music: concerts, tv: the office, tv: spn

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  • question

    heather13 Sep 25, 2008 21:59

    So I didn't notice this last week but I did this week -

    SPN title card )

    tv whore, tv: spn, fic: mine

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  • de - wait for it - lightful

    heather13 Sep 23, 2008 10:45

    *hugs TV*
    Even when it's not great, it's still makes me happy!
    HIMYM )

    the suck: cars, tv: heroes, tv: himym, tmi: life, tv: spn, otp: buffy/spike, fic: mine

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  • i don't want your foot money

    heather13 May 23, 2008 09:19

    I'm having crazy problems with my ears. They're telling me it's allergies and that's fine but good god, when will it end??? It just hurts and it is itchy and annoying.

    I have been capping/rewatching season 2 of TO. Yeah. There is no bad here. And, um, I liked the finale. If I had a rock, I'd totally put a suck on this note on it.

    The Office )

    tmi: life, tv: spn, tv: moonlight, tv whore, goodies: music, tv: himym, tv: the office, the suck: work

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  • *peeks*

    heather13 Feb 22, 2008 09:02

    Hi! I feel like posting so that's what I'm going to do. To be totally lame, I guess I just can't quit LJ as much as I tried ( Read more... )

    tmi: health, tv: fnl, books, tmi: the boy, tmi: life, tv: spn, tv: project runway, tv whore, tv: lost

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  • reading makes our speaking english good

    heather13 Jun 01, 2007 17:00

    I have literally been trying to post this since like 10 a.m. I'm not sure if it's work or LJ that prevented me from doing so...

    It's Friday. I've barely worked all week and I ain't starting now!

    Pack Up Your Bags, It's Never Too Late! by annakovsky and kyrafic - An oldie but goodie. It's just perfect Jim and Pam.

    Zombiepocalypse! - seriously ZOMBIES + ( Read more... )

    fic: recs, tv: btvs, otp: jim/pam, tv: spn, otp: buffy/spike, zombies!yay!, tv: himym, tv: the office

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